Trade Board Limited
Trade Board Limited
Trade Board Limited is the company to use to avail yourself of services in Vanuatu. We offer offshore company registration, yacht and ship registration, bank account set-up services, details on applying for citizenship and additional services.
Why Set Up Offshore In Vanuatu?
Why Set Up Offshore In Vanuatu?
The advantages of Vanuatu International company:
- Offering a high level of privacy and confidentiality
- Ease of administration – no requirement to file financial accounts
- Minimum ongoing compliance requirements
- A stable and independent political and economic environment
- Vanuatu IBCs are tax exempt
- Domestic taxation is not payable on the net chargeable profits of Exempt and International Companies
- Vanuatu does not have party in any double taxation treaty with another country
- It is not required to hold annual general meetings
- There is no need to file annual returns
- The international companies may name natural or legal person as directors, and may be of any nationality
- There are no exchange controls in Vanuatu
- Formation in 2 days
- Local Bank account
Vanuatu has become a popular place for people who are looking to set up an offshore company. This is true even though it is not a well-known business location. That is changing as many people discover all the perks of doing so. Like what? Keep reading!
One advantage of setting up an offshore corporation in Vanuatu is that it is practically regulation-free. This perk alone is quite attractive. There are some locations that seem great, but when someone checks into it, they find out about the bevy of regulations. That makes for an unfriendly business atmosphere.
Another significant advantage is that Vanuatu has NO corporate tax, neither for domestic nor international corporations. Additionally, they are not required to pay exchange fees, nor capital control fees. All that money saved figures into an individual’s or a company’s profits at the end of a business year.
Not to be left out of the conversation is the privacy factor. There must be records of accounts and personnel on file. The difference is, in Vanuatu, all that information is kept private. There is no conceivable reason why it would ever become public record. That means a corporation and its key personnel will always be safe from prying eyes.
One other point that owners, executives, and prominent individuals find appealing in Vanuatu is that they can choose whether to live on-site. It is a mostly secluded tropical haven for the rich and famous that is still relatively undiscovered. It has a bustling population yet is free from tourist traps. That makes it a fabulous location to live in or do business in.
As we just noted, Vanuatu provides a choice for people. They are permitted to own businesses and bank accounts there without being required to live there. A person may choose to be a part-time resident or not to go there at all. It is totally up to them. All and all, setting up offshore in Vanuatu is a great idea for investors, both individuals and those people representing a corporation. Give it a shot!
Services Available In This Region
Services Available in Vanuatu
Registering a Company
There are two separate processes to talk about here. One is registering an overseas company. First fill out the online form underneath this heading. Following that, on the same form you need to upload a couple of documents. Then continue to click on the next step when prompted to do so on your computer screen. The process is simple when you follow directions.
The other process detailed on this page is incorporating an international company. Again, just follow the prompts on the screen and you will be fine. Remember that, although you are filling out this information on this website, Vanuatu has strict privacy laws. That means nobody will ever see this info other than you or your Vanuatu representative.
Opening a Bank Account Here
This activity is basically the same as it would be in any other country. The difference is, In Vanuatu it is much easier to accomplish; especially when you have an expert to guide you. Bank accounts may be opened by a corporation or an individual, particularly those individuals with a high stature. If you feel comfortable enough, you can do this by yourself. Just be sure to follow each step to the letter. Please note, you are not mandated to become a citizen in order to open a bank account in Vanuatu.
Apply for Dual Citizenship
Let’s say you have fallen in love with Vanuatu and do wish to live here at least part-time. You may apply for dual citizenship. Although the process is easy and quick, you will fare better with this if you have an expert to represent you. He or she can be sure you follow the procedures correctly. Military service is welcome but not required in this country. As with any other place, there are rules and regulations. The great thing is in Vanuatu they are minimal.
Yacht and Ship Registration in Vanuatu
Another service that TOP Company Formation, a subsidiary of Trade Board Limited, offers is yacht and ship registration in Vanuatu. This is quite pertinent as the country of Vanuatu has extended an invitation to fly the flag of Vanuatu to all yacht and ship owners, regardless of where they live. Vanuatu is such a magnificent place to be from, both visually and economically. No matter where in the world you call home, this is the perfect place to have a sea vessel. So many people spend time in and around the surrounding waters. The registration process is straightforward and quick. To get started with your Vanuatu-based sea vessel registration, contact TOP Company Formation today!
Permanent Residency in Vanuatu
The country of Vanuatu wishes to attract investors of the highest quality to its shores by offering a Permanent Residence Visa Program. This program is available to people from the region of Greater China. That includes mainland China as well as persons from Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macao. This is the program that anyone seeking permanent residency in Vanuatu must participate in. It is also something else that the staff at TOP Company Formation, subsidiary of Trade Board Limited, can assist you with. For all information, contact the TCF office personnel as soon as possible.
Why Make The Move To Use Vanuatu Incorporation Services?
Why Make the Move to Use Vanuatu Incorporation Services?
In today’s world the idea of using Vanuatu as a base from which to incorporate a business is met with much favor. Why? Experts agree that Vanuatu apparently has a lot to offer investors. One thing they offer is zero corporate tax for domestic and international companies. The companies are also not required to conform to capital or exchange controls.
The Privacy Factor
In Vanuatu, both individuals and companies are protected by strict privacy laws. Records of accounts and key personnel for a corporation are necessary. However, they are not available for public knowledge, but instead are kept private. This provides an unequalled level of protection for high profile individuals and for companies. This is an extremely attractive feature for investors.
Banking Is Easy in Vanuatu
Setting up bank accounts in Vanuatu is an easy process, especially if you have someone knowledgeable to represent you. The required capital to do so is only $500,000, which is less than it would be in other regions of the world. If it is to be a corporate bank account, remember that there is zero tax in this region. Therefore, more money will remain in the bank accounts as opposed to taxes being withdrawn periodically.
Businesses Can Thrive in Vanuatu
Due to its fabulous weather, the numbers of people deciding to settle in Vanuatu is steadily increasing. This is great news for businesses and the local economy. There is a local source of clientele for companies to pull from in addition to those gained internationally.
Thinking About Offshore Banking In Vanuatu
When you make the move to go offshore with banking services or incorporating in Vanuatu then you are making the decision to go with a region that has had a reputation for providing more risk. Often, the lack of rules is commonly associated with a believed increase in risk, but there are companies enjoying that opportunity that has been provided and so can you. If you want to explore the opportunity to set up your own corporation overseas in a region like Vanuatu then reach out to those who can help you to do it and get the job done for you.
Thinking About Offshore Banking in Vanuatu
What Should You Know?
Vanuatu is a great place to set up a bank account. It has well established financial services and advanced legal infrastructure in addition to regulations to fight money laundering. Vanuatu is widely-known as a tax haven. There are no taxes on either personal or business accounts. It also has many advantages for investors. Benefits include a healthy government and economy, as well as marvelous visually-pleasing attractions, for business people.
What Are My Banking Choices?
There are a vast number of reputable banks doing business in Vanuatu. Any one of them would be a great choice. The first thing you will want to do is select the type of account it will be, i.e., corporate account, personal account, one of each. Then you can compare each bank’s services regarding the type of account you want. This will work better if you have someone in Vanuatu to represent you. He or she will understand banking in this region and will be prepared to steer you in the right direction.
Your Bank Account Details are Kept Private!!
As is true with incorporating a business in Vanuatu, when you open a bank account here, you must supply all sorts of identification and proof of means to keep it afloat. However, unlike many other offshore locations, when you open a bank account in Vanuatu, all this information is kept private. Nobody else may ever see it, secrecy is of the utmost value. This is a huge perk for many people who already have bank accounts here. Open your account today!

Start Doing Banking Today In Vanuatu
Many do not expect any drastic changes to be made anytime soon on that front, with regard to overhauling the reputation that Vanuatu has earned as a sort of tax haven for individuals and professionals. There is a lot more economic freedom in this region to be explored, opportunity that gets offered to the individual, but along with that equal freedom is that risk associated.
Start Doing Banking Today in Vanuatu
The better question is why not? There are so many advantages to banking in Vanuatu. Why not set up your private or corporate bank account today? This region of the world has become renowned for being a tax haven, especially for people who are professionally or entrepreneurially minded. Individuals with lofty goals can achieve them all in Vanuatu. But they all must have bank accounts if they wish to reach those goals. So, what is preventing you from opening your bank account today?
Unequalled Economic Freedom in Vanuatu
One of the biggest reasons to start banking in Vanuatu today is the economic freedom. The government is stable, and the citizens are happy. Together this makes for an extraordinarily strong economic picture. When one couples that with lack of taxes, the banking industry simply flourishes. This is the epitome of a great atmosphere in which to do banking. Start today!
You Are Not Required to Live Here
This is an important bit of information that people might not be aware of. Many people are discovering what a marvelous place to live Vanuatu is. They are quite happy when they arrive at that decision. However, it is NOT a requirement for having bank accounts here. You can choose to vacation there now and then, be a Winter visitor, or never go there at all. Yet you are still permitted to have a bank account or two. Isn’t that great?
What Should My First Step Be?
The first thing to do is find a company to represent you in Vanuatu. You can start with the firm whose website this information appears on. They have a wealth of knowledge about Vanuatu and are poised to make any investments by individuals or corporations profitable. Their contact information is elsewhere on this website. Get in touch with them about opening your bank account as soon as possible!